Tuesday 18 October 2011

get it straight in your head.

I went looking on the web for some good ideas about how to get this concept of a business idea I have in my head out of there, and down on paper, as a realistic idea of what would make an appealing business offering to potential clients. Some advice on honing your initial ideas into a working model of what you will be offering, and what you will base the rest of your business plan off.

This is an important first step for getting your idea straight in your head.
Having it in black and white in front of you gives your ideas a life of their own for the first time.
It enables you to start the critical process of evaluating your initial thoughts and can be the catlyast for a whole flood of further ideas.

Unfortunately, the article below is a good example of the guff that seems to surround the whole area of business startup and what it takes to run your own business.
Not that there aren't some good points made in the article, but the whole thing is enveloped in this over the top, evangelical language that would scare superman away from starting a window cleaning service.

There’s a lot more to being a successful entrepreneur than being self-employed. Emma Wimhurst, UK-based entrepreneur and business mentor, shares her insights into what it takes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim, really like your blog - its a good idea! I'd love to start my own business - if I ever do I'll refer back to here for advice!
